10 October 2010

New blog, new adventures

After receiving some advice that I should be getting my critical writing out there a lot more, I've launched my second blog. In addition to maintaining Flying Ducks (which will still chronicle my home decorating and crafty exploits), I'll use this site to discuss more in-depth (and largely political) topics.

During my studies towards a Bachelor of Arts with a triple major in Literary and Cultural Studies, Film Studies and Australian History, I've explored a lot of topics that I aim to discuss on this blog. In many cases, I'll draw from some of my existing essays, and where possible I'll provide references for source material.

I welcome comments, whether you agree with my opinion or not, provided they are constructive.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, Kylie! I just found this and will start following you. I, too, have interests in politics (I'm a bit of a junkie), literature, film and history. Snap! I did an Arts/Law degree, majoring in German and political science. This should be fun! J x
